Krissy Gatuslao
Krissy Gatuslao

Love That Dog
Motion Design
09/23–10/23 (6 weeks)

AdvisorAmy Auman
Love That Dog by Sharon Creech is a book from my childhood. It’s written in free-verse poetry from the perspective of an elementary-school-aged boy, Jack. While at first he is reluctant to writing, he opens up through poetry and uses it as an outlet to process the sudden loss of his dog, Sky. 

This motion piece teases at the short novel’s narrative while leaning on and referencing plot points and symbols from the story. 

I wanted to capture the relationship between Jack and Sky, while hinting at important motifs like the blue car and Mrs. Shrewsbury’s poetry teachings.

I used mostly primary colors to show the innocence and youth of the narrator, Jack. I set the video to Twin Peaks’ “Blue Coupe” not only because of its bittersweet tone, but also as another call-back to the blue car motif.  

Initial mood board

Final storyboard before production

I was inspired by paper crafts and collage work. 

I thought it added another layer of humanity and texture to the pieces, as well as speaking to the novel’s intended audience: children. I created the shapes in Illustrator first, moved them to Photoshop to add the texture, and then I animated them in After Effects.

Krissy Gatuslao